Tuesday, December 10, 2013


By the title of this blog, I hope you can tell- we got our first win!!! I'm so excited and happy for our team. Of course there are quite a few games that we should have won before this one, but it's a great feeling to finally get a win.

We played against Aris, who was 1 above us in the rankings. They have an American post player on their team, too. Her name is Monique Oliver and she played at Rutgers, which means that I played against her at least once every year in college since Rutgers was in our league. Monique has been having a great season so far. She's been averaging a lot of points and rebounds and overall has been playing really well. I knew it was personally going to be a tough game going against her and I was hoping that our guards would have solid games. 

Our guards did play a solid overall game, which was key for our win. Our older point guard had 20 points and made some clutch plays at the end of the game. Our younger point guard (she's 16!) had 7 assists! She did a great job of distributing the ball. The rest of our guards played great defense and also contributed on the offensive end by getting offensive rebounds and making big time shots and good passes. I actually had one of my better games , too. I didn't score so many points, but I pulled down a lot of rebounds and played a good defensive game. I was so happy with the win that I could have cared less if I had a good or bad game. All that matters is that we won! It was a happy bus ride home!

When we got home, I got a message from one of the other American players on a different team here in Athens asking if I wanted to meet up with her and go out to one of the clubs. I was exhuasted and really wanted to go to sleep but I thought it would be a lot of fun to see the nightlife scene here so I decided to go! And I'm really glad that I went. I had a great time! We stayed out really late (or really early!) depending on how you look at it but we met some cool people and had a blast. So I spent most of the day yesterday laying in bed recovering haha. 

Today, I came to the downtown/center area to do some Christmas shopping and to get Starbucks! They don't have the same seasonal drinks here (no white peppermint mocha) but I had a pretty good drink- a toffee nut latte. I'm currently sitting in Starbucks, using their free wifi and enjoying my hot coffee while writing this blog.

Our coach just told me the other day that I can go home for Christmas a few days earlier than expected. This was such happy news for me! I'll be home next week and can't wait to see everybody back home! I know I'll have a lot of fun!

We have another game this weekend and again, it's against a team that we should be able to beat. It would be so awesome to head into the Christmas break having won 2 games in a row. Then, we'll come back and gear up for the 2nd half of the season. 

Well, that's all the news I have for now. Thanks for checking in!

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