Saturday, December 7, 2013


Welcome to December! It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a couple of weeks away. With that being said, that means that I'll be home in a couple of weeks!! I'm really excited to come home and see everybody and take a long shower!!!

My mom left a week ago so I've got about 2 weeks left till I get to go home. She made me a sweet little Advent calendar so I have a treat to look forward to every day! So far this week, I've gotten some chocolates and a Starbucks gift card! I'm gonna go to Starbucks on Monday! If I wrote to you guys about everything that my mom and I did, I could fill up 3 blogs so instead I'll give you a couple of quick sentences.

We rented a car and drove to Old Olympia, birthplace of the Olympic Games. The ruins of the buildings there are awesome and the museum was really cool, too. Although we didn't have the best weather, I'm really glad we got to see that. As an athlete, the significance of seeing the birthplace of the greatest sports stage in the world was really amazing. We also went to Sounio, another city with some ruins. Of course we did all of the traditional touristy things in Athens and did some shopping, although not nearly as much as when my sisters were here!

It was awesome to have my mom here to spend Thanksgiving with. If you remember, I wrote about that in my last blog! This week has gone by really fast so hopefully these next 2 weeks will fly by as well! Our team still hasn't won yet (0-6) but we play again tomorrow and I really believe we can win this game and our game next week, too. It would be awesome to go into Christmas with 2 wins.

I cannot wait to get home for Christmas! I have so many people to see and things to do and so much food to eat! I've been making a mental list of all of the fatty American food I want to stuff up on before I come back! I'm looking forward to spending time in both Columbia and Chicago and seeing family and friends in both places. My mom and I are planning on catching the DePaul game on the 29th in Peoria and I'm trying to get some tickets to the Bulls game on the 28th in Chicago. 

Another thing I'm excited for when I get home is to open the packages I have waiting for me at home! I've done quite a bit of online shopping since I've been here. My sisters brought me some of the stuff that I had bought but there will be more when I get home! Sometimes it's nice to treat yourself to things. I'm trying really hard to save up a lot of the money that I'm making because my cousin and I are planning a backpacking trip through Europe for 2 months this spring, but I also like to do nice things for myself and for others. 

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for checking in!

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