Monday, October 13, 2014



Since my last post, we've started the official season. Our first game we played against a very talented Umbertide team. We lost by about 20 and it was not a good game for us. It was definitely an introduction into the A1 league for a lot of the girls on our team but I know they are now ready for the rest of the season. We played our 2nd game yesterday against Orvieto. My friend Sydney Crafton plays for Orvieto and it was really great to see her over here! Sydney is from Jeff City so I've known her for about 10 years!! She played at JC High School and then went on to play at Mizzou! It was awesome to see Syd and catch up a little bit before the game. It was also great to get a win! Our team came out really  strong and we managed to keep it up all game, holding on for a 15 point win.

Since one of the brackets of the FIVB World Volleyball Championships was held here in Trieste at our main gym, we had to find another gym to practice in for a few weeks. We ended up going to Slovenia 4 nights a week for close to 3 weeks. Being the American I am, I was seriously hoping for some stamps on my passport! I didn't get any stamps on my passport from going to Slovenia, but we did have a preseason tournament in Pula, Croatia and I did manage to get four stamps in my passport for that!! I know you guys are probably thinking that Croatia and Slovenia are far trips, but the gym where we practiced in Sezana, Slovenia was only about 15 minutes away and Pula was only an hour drive. Trieste is very close to the borders of both of those countries!!

My mom is coming on Saturday for about 10 days!! I'm so excited to see her!! I've been gone almost 2 months so it's going to be nice to have a visitor from home! She's also bringing quite a lot of goodies from home for myself and my teammate, Donica and the two American guys on our men's team. While she's here, we have 3 games. I'm also hoping that we'll have a day off squeezed in there and that we'll get to Venice! Venice is only a 2 hour train ride away so it's a quick day trip and I know we both want to go!

Not much else is new here. I had a not-so-quick trip to an Italian emergency room about 2 weeks ago. We had a friendly match and I busted my eyebrow open and needed some stitches to close it up. I got to the ER at 10 PM and didn't leave until 5 AM. I definitely have a greater appreciation for the American healthcare system! Three stitches and 7 hours later, I was on my way with a great story and a little bit of a scar. 

That's all for now! I'll write again after my mom leaves and share the fun things we did while she was here!! Ciao!

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