Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hello February!

I cannot believe it's already February! Can you? Since it's February, that means that I've already been back here for a month and let me tell ya, the month ofJanuary flew by.

We opened up Febraury with a game on Saturday against Paok and we won! Paok is a good team and we played them a close game when we played at their gym back in November. I'm glad we could get the win for this game. My coach and a couple of teammates were trying to explain to me the play-outs/play-offs system and how many games we needed to win, etc to make the play-offs. I don't understand much about the play-off system but all I know is that we need to keep winning and this game was a big win for us!

Not much else has been going on. I've been dealing with all different kinds of sickness but I'm finally feeling better. My mom and sister put together an awesome care package with lots of goodies in it. I've been trying to pace myself but it's hard!! There is a small pet store that I walk by most days on my way to get food or get on the metro and they have a couple of very cute pups for sale in the window! Every day when I walk past, I'm so tempted to stop in and adopt one of the pups! They are 9 week old chihuahuas. I'm not the biggest fan of the chihuahua breed, but because I see them almost every day, I'm really starting to want one! It would be so fun to have a puppy to play with and train but I'm flexing my will power and not adopting one! That way, I'll be able to get the dog I truly want when I get home this spring!

Our last 'regular season' game is on March 8th and then play-offs/play-outs will start from there. At this point, I have no clue when I'll be home. I'm trying to make the most out of being here. The weather has been pretty chilly the past few days after being about 65 for a week and by chilly I mean 45-55 haha. It's nothing compared to the 'polar vortex' going on back home and I'm not too upset about missing that!!

My mom and I were able to FaceTime on Sunday night so I could watch the Super Bowl. She propped up her iPad and pointed it at the screen so that I could watch the game and the commercials. Even though the game was terrible, it was still fun for me to watch!! It's times like those when family and friends get together that makes it so hard to be away from home. I really enjoyed watching the game and having back and forth commentary with my mom about the plays and commercials. 

That's about it for now! I'm downtown at Starbucks enjoying a coffee and am gonna head out soon to do a little window shopping! There are huge after Christmas sales here so maybe I can snag some good stuff for cheap!

Thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Was doing a search to get an update on some of the players that had battled against the UofL WBB squad last season and ran your name thru Google search. Glad that you are able to make a living at what you enjoy doing and able to see the beautiful cities around you in your spare time.

    I'm Paul Sykes and I am the co-owner of Cardinal Couple. We are a daily UofL women's sports site and cover all the sports that the UofL women's athletic squads participate in. Needless to say, I've written about you and the Blue Demons a few times over the years...I have to say that if Jeff Walz had had a rebounder with your skills and court prescence...maybe there could have been a few more Final Four appearances and a title trophy in the UofL WBB trophy case.

    I remember Asia Taylor telling me once that you were the hardest player she ever had to try and keep off the boards. I remember the 20 rebounds you had in a game at the KFC YUM! Center a few years ago and many of the other epic battles between the Card and the Blue Demons. Those were good times...with Louisville in the AAC and headed to the ACC, that rivalry is sadly over. New challenges lie ahead for the Cards...as they do for you, also.

    Speaking of the Blue Demons, I will share one of my favorite post-game press interviews with you. DePaul had come to Louisville last season and the Cards put it to the Blue Demons pretty convincingly. You had a team wrecked by injuries that season, if you'll remember, but you had another big game against UofL.

    Coach Bruno came in the media room to do a post game press conference. It was 13+ minutes of some of the finest stuff I've ever had the privledge to cover. He began with the game, quickly switched gears and covered a multitude of subjects...including the BIG EAST, his career at DePaul, Jeff Walz and the KFC YUM Center. He never missed a beat...laughing, cajoling the press, getting deadly serious and waxong philosophically about college basketball, life and DePaul.

    We walked out of there incredibly impressed that a coach who had just taken a 20-point loss would share a bit of his philosophy, soul and outlook on life with a group of strangers like that. I went over and shook his hand affterwards and told him it was one of the most incredible post-game press conferences I had ever covered. He seemed genuinely pleased that I stopped to talk to him and we spent a couple more minutes discussing Louisville and how he was going to miss coming here.

    I wish I had saved those 13+ minutes on my digital voice recorder...but sadly , I didn't. We played them on our radio show and I suppose they are in our archives somewhere.

    You were very fortunate to play for such a great guy and, after that evening, I became a DePaul fan and follow them almost as closely as I do our Cardinals.

    Anyway, keep up the great work here.It is nice to read the recaps and recounts of your European adventures. You have very good journalistic skills and if you would ever like to send us an article on hoops overseas, it'd be our honor and pleasure to run it at CARDINAL COUPLE. Unfortunately, we can't pay...we're a non-profit that basically struggles to get by each month...but we are forutnate in the fact that we have some very good writing contributors and readers.

    Take care, stay healthy and get position..block out and keep your arms extended and try not to stand too upright when defending.

    Paul Sykes
    Co-Owner/Senior Columnist/Radio Host
